- The DPW will be conducting the annual curbside brush pick-up this year.
- Mayor and Council wish to remind residents that this is a “brush” pick-up; small brush, twigs, branches; not intended for tree removal or land clearing.
- Branches must be 4 inches in diameter or smaller.
- The maximum amount of brush that can be placed at the curb is (1) one pile of branches, brush, not to exceed 4 feet high by 4 feet wide by 10 feet long
- No brush/branches in roadway
- No brush/branches on sidewalks
- Brush piles should not be beside shrubbery, posts, hydrants, electrical or cable boxes,
mailboxes, and/or any other objects
- The brush removal service provided by the Borough is restricted to residential pruning only.
- Brush will not be collected from any commercial businesses.
- Brush mixed with stumps, roots, leaves, grass, dimensional lumber, firewood or oversized material are not acceptable and will be refused
- Brush must be stacked perpendicular to the curb, in front of your property, not exceeding the length, height, and diameter listed.
- Brush must not be stacked at the curb any earlier than 1 week prior to collection week (May 9th).
- There will only be one pick up at your residence during the scheduled week.
- If the guideline for height, width and length of brush pile is exceeded, excess brush will be refused.
- All guidelines will be strictly enforced.
- If residents are in need of tree removal or other land clearing, please hire local contractors for the work.
For referrals, please call the Municipal offices at (908) 832-7850 ext. 201.
Mayor and Council wish to thank all residents in advance for their cooperation this year.
Last modified: May 20, 2024